Monday, June 29, 2015

Assisted Living Services Help the Elderly Manage Incontinence Issues

"For many adults, the urge to go to the bathroom can be delayed, but for the more than 50% of elderly Americans suffering from incontinence, putting off elimination isn’t an option. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics, about half of older Americans surveyed have experienced accidental urinary or bowel leakage; 25% had moderate to very severe urinary leakage, while 8% had moderate to very severe bowel leakage. Incontinence basically occurs as a result of weakened muscles or feeble bladder control, combined with an overactive bladder. Accidental leakage occurs when the muscles are too frail to hold urine (or bowel). Urinary tract infections, high calcium intake, weaker pelvic muscles, a thinning and childbirth-induced loosening of the vagina wall in women, and an enlarged prostate gland in men, are also known contributing factors.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Hire Professional Caregivers to Avoid Mistakes in Providing Elder Care

There’s no doubt to how much you love your parents. As they grow older, you want to care for them just as they cared for you growing up. Elder care, however, requires more than just your affection; you will have to ensure that your loved one is cared for properly. Mistakes in providing elder care can do more harm than good to seniors. Here are some of the most common mistakes you probably don’t realize you’re making: Going Fulltime Doing anything fulltime takes courage, commitment, and resources, and is easier said than done. Before making such a big decision and a promise to your beloved parents, consider your personal responsibilities. Do you have children? If you’re not married yet, are you planning on raising a family soon? Do you have a job? In case you decide to leave your job to care for your parents, do you have a source of income? All these must be factored in to ensure that you’re not helpless while providing help.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Range of Home Care Services Supporting One’s Daily Living Activities

In 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated the number of residents age 65 and over at 44.7 million. This number has steadily grown since then. As a person ages, his body becomes weak and susceptible to diseases. He becomes unable to perform certain tasks that are essential to maintaining his health and hygiene. While most families have the capacity to commit to assisting seniors with daily living activities for the rest of their lives, other families don’t. This is where home care services in Fairfax, VA becomes vital.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Where the Heart is: Home Health Care in Fairfax, VA for the Elderly

If your parents are already retired and approaching old age, there’s a good chance that you are worrying about how they’ll do and how they’ll take care of themselves since you can’t always be there for them. This is why there is home health care in Fairfax, VA so that they can be looked after and taken care of. There are many benefits to home care, and one of the primary benefits is convenience. “There’s no place like home”, as the famous saying goes, and this is very much true. The elderly would want to be in a place they are all too familiar with and comfortable in at an old age, where they can sit on their couch, watch TV, eat at their table and sleep on their bed. This also eliminates the hassle of leaving the home frequently, which is especially helpful to those who are wheelchair or walker bound.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Assisted Living in Fairfax, VA Helps Seniors Exercise and be Healthy

In popular media, seniors are typically portrayed as being on their porch and sitting on their rocking chair. In reality, they can be active in exercise and even more so than some teenagers. Some seniors, however, may think that they are too old to get started on an exercise program or even think it won’t do them any good. The truth is, starting an exercise program is beneficial no matter what age you are. Walking and running are beneficial for seniors to stay in shape and promote overall health. Even those who have mobility issues can get help from professionals who offer assisted living in Fairfax, VA to help them on their way.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Limit the Risks of Alzheimer’s Wandering with Fairfax, VA Elder Care

Long-time Californian Lee Ferrero hopped into his car to go home after a work meeting. He had been making the trip for decades, but as his trip went along, things didn’t go as planned. After a few hours later, he somehow found himself in an open farmland in unfamiliar territory. After pulling out a few maps, he then realized that he unknowingly drove two hours past the turnoff to his home. A visit to a specialist later confirmed that Ferrero, 64, was already in the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Aimless wandering is a common symptom of Alzheimer’s, and it is estimated that about six in every ten people with the condition exhibit the behavior. Wandering can happen in various contexts like on foot or while driving, and the Alzheimer’s Association says that wanderers not found within 24 hours are highly likely to suffer serious injuries or worse.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Fairfax, VA Home Care Provides Help and Independence for the Elderly

The 92-year-old aunt of New York Times columnist Jane E. Brody is one of over 40 million senior citizens in the U.S., comprising about 13 percent of the overall population. Like virtually all people her age, Brody’s aunt has become frail, with impaired cognition and mobility (she requires a walker or wheelchair to get around). She still lives in her own apartment, and is tended to by home care aides round-the-clock who help her get dressed, take a bath, and go outside daily for some fresh air. Someone may argue that the situation could be better if Brody’s aunt was sent to a nursing home way earlier. However, many studies have shown that seniors prefer to spend their remaining years in the familiar comforts of home. A research commissioned by the firms Clarity and The EAR Foundation, called Aging in Place in America, reveals that senior citizens fear moving into a nursing home and losing their independence much more than death.